"etop unit remote controller" - eurc
active management more - more control - more energy

The Etop Unit Remote Controller System is specifically designed for the intelligent acquisition and technological development of information and communications (ICT) relating to the production and sale of energy from renewable sources.    

                                                            GENERAL SYSTEM INFORMATION

The EURC System is able to summarize, in real time, the production data relating to the plants and allows for a single interface for the user between the different production plants. Through a web application you will have the possibility to actively manage the monitoring and control of the plants, guaranteeing the manager a 360 ° security.

 Furthermore, the central control system, thanks to its versatile architecture, is able to operate in a perfectly integrated way with the modules, boilers and inverters of all the main renewable energy producers; it is also possible to implement the management system with the addition of video cameras or other home automation-sensor remote control systems based on any user request through a proprietary communication protocol.

                                                                  CONTROL FEATURES

The system is equipped with a web portal structured in different modules: through the portal interface you can use the data already recorded and obtained thanks to the electronic cards installed in the production plants, that is to say the local devices that collect information from the plant.

The customer will be able to access, whenever he deems it appropriate, to his own protected area and will be able to archive, at will, the data that arrive gradually from the control unit to the general portal and which can be multiple: from the plant production data either daily or weekly or monthly or yearly; activation and termination data of the alarm system or data relating to the various sensors to measure the efficiency of the management components. The control system sends data on the performance management unit via the local network. The software allows you to perform advanced web-based analyzes aimed at identifying anomalies, degradation patterns and recurring problems at the system level through which the systems can be kept at the highest levels for the entire duration of their life cycle. Thanks to the continuous monitoring of the performance data of each single system component, maintenance can be performed with maximum speed and effectiveness, streamlining intervention activities and reducing costs.

                                                                DATA COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT

The innovation of the monitoring system is one of the most important aspects in the creation of the portal. The navigation portal encourages exploration (long-lasting and aimless activity, based on curiosity, but easily interrupted if attention has been distracted and curiosity has not been fed) and research (short-term activity and strongly targeted, based on need, difficult to distract but a source of great dissatisfaction if inconclusive). The structure of the portal, therefore, provides continuous stimuli to the less experienced user and, at the same time, a clear and obvious guide to those who are looking for specific information for the rapid solution of problems.

The portal organizes the navigation structure reflecting the sub-topic division of the main topic of the site, providing different but related sections for each sub-topic. We will then have a structure similar to the following: home page, general navigation pages, section home pages, section navigation and documentary base.

The general home page is the main access point to the site and collects information and titles from all sections of the site. The renewed home page can be compared to the first page of a newspaper: a selection of the most important news, and, of each, the beginning of an article or a short text that refers to the complete article on the inside pages.

The home page can be associated with additional navigation, collection or reorganization pages of information that are still independent of the various sections. These pages therefore give access to the pages containing the dynamic information, which can also be shared between several different sections. The documents are therefore in the documentary base and do not "belong" to a section, but the sections provide them with an access path, and in some cases even more than one. Together with this vaguely hierarchical structure there is also a counter-organization of hypertext links, a cloud of links that connects home pages, home pages of sections, navigation pages, documents of the documentary base and any other type of document in an absolutely free and ad hoc way. Information it is considered useful to present for the purpose of developing and processing the entire computer program, including sites and pages outside the portal.                 

                        FUNCTIONS AND Control GUARANTEES: Active Management - Greater - Greater Energy

The new digital system allows to verify, control and intervene on alternative energy production plants such as photovoltaic, photovoltaic-hybrid and biomass plants.

The ease is given by the fact that it allows, thanks to a single portal mentioned extensively above, to carry out several operations of different nature at the same time:

                                                                     - Check the functioning of the systems;

                                                                     - Analyze the production level of the plants;       

                                                                     - Scheduling of maintenance interventions;

                                                                     - Possibility of implementing video surveillance systems

                                                                     - Possibility to activate or deactivate the various alarm and / or monitoring devices.

 The solution makes monitoring available both for the single plant and for different plants, interfacing with environmental sensors, inverters, meters and PLC systems, and is also able to implement extensive and configurable control functions via web / mobile or locally.

 The monitoring of the plants is essential for the continuous supervision of the operation of the main components, for the production control, the generation of reports, including any fiscal ones (UTF register), and for the control of all peripheral components - including copper cable anti-theft, anti-intrusion, network protections. In particular, the monitoring of the plant data by PLC checks its wear to facilitate timely maintenance interventions in order to avoid damage and loss of efficiency, while the integrated control allows you to have complete information on the operation of the plant from a single system supervision.

 The system uses an alert management system to improve safety by deactivating at the module level. In a word: a leading system in the sector, at competitive costs that guarantees maximum efficiency and reliability. In addition, a versatile architecture allows the system to operate perfectly integrated with the photovoltaic modules and inverters of all major manufacturers.